
How To Take A Video On Youtube

Does this sound similar you?

You have an idea and you want to create a YouTube video for information technology.

You want your video to await and feel good. You want to create something you're proud of, bring your thought to life and do information technology justice.

If that's the case so you lot've just striking the jackpot.

In this pace-by-pace guide, nosotros'll show you exactly how you can create a killer YouTube video.

We'll comprehend everything you demand to know: from training all the fashion to publishing, and getting your video seen; we've got your back.

Allow's jump right in…

Click here to spotter the video ->

Stride ane: Enquiry Your Topic

The outset matter yous need to do when you have a video topic is research information technology.

That's because seeing what other creators have washed in your topic will help you determine what works well, what you tin meliorate on, and what you lot tin can do differently.

In fact, "YouTube is more than simply a identify to sentry videos, it'south a gold mine of data" and you need to use it to your advantage.

This is coming straight from our in-house video skillful and creator, Daniel, who single-handedly runs both of Uscreen'south YouTube channels.

Talk about a YouTube superhero, am I correct?

And so,

To get-go, get to the channels you lot're trying to emulate, or search for your video topic on YouTube'south search bar. And so watch at to the lowest degree 5-10 videos being made on your topic and on like topics!

You should keep rail of the:

  • The types of video that go views around your topic.
  • Dissimilar video structures and styles.
  • Length of these videos.
  • Thumbnails and video titles used.
  • Calls to action (i.e. like and subscribe) and when it was used.
  • Transitions used (i.east. B-roll, GIFs, text, etc.).

This will help you plan your content in the next step  and come across what your video should look like. (Or, if yous don't like what you meet, what it shouldn't look like!)

By the end of each video ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. What do these video creators practise well?
  2. What can you ameliorate on?
  3. How many views are these videos getting?
  4. What are people saying about these videos in the comments section?
  5. Are the video titles and thumbnails intriguing? (More on that in Pace 3).

Answering these questions will help you lot empathize what a good video on that topic looks like, and how yous can become your own video upwardly there with the greats.

This brings us squarely to the side by side section…

Footstep two: Plan Your Video Content

At present that you've researched your video topic, ask yourself, what's the signal?

Or for a less existential question: what is the goal of the video y'all'll exist making?

Video content typically tends to autumn into i of these 3 categories:

  • Teaching: you're a relative expert in something and yous want to teach a skill, idea, or concept to your followers (i.e. tutorials).
  • Entertainment: you lot want to create something that interests and fascinates viewers (i.e. vlogs, video clips, comedy skits, etc.).
  • Awareness: you want to heighten public business about a problem, topic, or product (i.e. opinion videos, video marketing, product reviews etc.).

Information technology'southward disquisitional that you place what you'd like to achieve with your video before you commencement creating because this will inform how you'll deliver it and what blazon of video you'll create.

Then it's time to create a storyboard. This is a visual representation of your video sketched out, y'all can do it digitally or manually. It's kind of similar having an outline for your video content.

That's where you'll accept your notes from Footstep ane and determine on the structure of your video, it's length, and what volition be included in each take.

Here'due south a template we found on Creately that you can utilise:

Storyboard Creately Template

Having a storyboard volition help you gage what yous'll demand to do and set to create your video. (More on that in the adjacent footstep.)

If you've never created a plan for your video content before, grab a piece of newspaper and ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the point of my video?
  • Who is my target audience?
  • What is my budget?
  • How many people volition I need?
  • What is the target length of the video?
  • What will I employ for the thumbnail and video title? (Make sure to come with options for both, more on that in Step 3).
  • Where will the video be filmed?
  • How will the video be shot?
  • Will at that place be vocals in the video?
  • If so, will I need to write a script?
  • Do I take the equipment to do this myself? (More on that in Pace five.)
  • Do I need to include any text or images in my video?
  • Will I edit the video myself or transport it to a video editor? (More on that in Footstep 9.)

Answering these questions will help you go clearer on the specifics of your videos and yous'll be well positioned to practise the next steps.

Step 3: Create Catchy Titles and Custom Thumbnails

Call up the list of video titles and thumbnail options we mentioned in Footstep 2? Well, at present is the time to utilize them!

Video titles and thumbnails are the first point of contact you have with a viewer. They need to encourage people who come beyond your video to click and lookout it.

Let's get into each 1…

Video Titles

Video titles are the first text your audience sees when they come across your videos.

That'south why you need to ensure your headlines…

  • are relevant to what your target audition is searching
  • accurately draw what's in the video
  • are short and sweet
  • don't contain clickbait
  • incorporate relevant keywords (more on that in Step 4).

…to give your video the best chance of appearing on someone's search.

If you await at Uscreen'southward ain Wellness & Fettle YouTube channel you lot can see that our video titles are to the indicate, include relevant keywords for our target audition, and inform the viewer what the video is about:

Uscreen Health & Fitness YouTube Channel

You should also consider running your list of video titles with trusted advisors and encounter which ones are the almost interesting and intriguing.

Custom Thumbnails

Custom thumbnails tin can help you increment your click-through charge per unit. Meaning, if your thumbnail is eye-catching and heady enough, when people come across it they'll click on your video to watch information technology.

We ever recommend customizing your thumbnail equally opposed to using a screenshot from your video. Your thumbnail should include:

  • Clear imagery: visually show you're answering the searcher'southward query.
  • Basic text: make information technology catchy, short, and information technology tin include keywords for your video (more on that in Stride four).
  • Vibrant colors: brand it aesthetically pleasing, have these colors stand out confronting the YouTube backdrop, and make sure the colors are consequent with your online presence on other social media platforms.
  • Utilize faces: people are drawn to other people, so if it'due south applicable use prominent faces that illustrate emotions.
  • An element of curiosity: peak your viewer's curiosity, don't requite away too much of your content.

Take the thumbnails on Uscreen'due south main YouTube channel, for example:

Uscreen Main YouTube Channel Videos

You lot can see the consequent use of our brand color, blue, which stands out against YouTube's grey groundwork and strengthens Uscreen'south branding.

Nosotros've also used a mix of graphics, keywords, and faces with clear attending-grabbing expressions.

Having these things will enhance your video'southward bulletin and performance.

Speaking of performance…

Stride 4: Optimize Video for Search Engines

Part of writing catchy titles and creating thumbnails that entice people to watch your video is finding the correct keywords for your content.

This will help yous connect with people who apply the YouTube search to find videos. Afterall, YouTube is the world's largest video search engine.

And to get your video seen on YouTube you'll need to use some search engine optimization (SEO) tactics.

One of the main things to do for YouTube SEO is conduct keyword research. Keywords are phrases that users are searching for, similar:

  • How to make banana bread.
  • iPhone 13 review.
  • How to tie a necktie.

You need to target the most relevant keywords for your video content by using it in your clarification, tags, thumbnail, and video title. This tells YouTube and Google's algorithms what your videos are about.

The beginning step in conducting keyword inquiry is understanding the trouble that your video is solving. You demand to get into the listen of your potential viewer.

Let's say you're looking to create a video on the topic: how to make pancakes. You can run into that on both the YouTube and Google search the title of the first and 2d results includes these keywords:

How to make Pancakes Rich Results

Now to delve deeper into your keyword search, get to Google and YouTube'south search bars and run across what keywords they suggest for that topic.

Pro-tip: Y'all can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to replace any word in your search query to see the near popular variation of that keyword search.

Google Search Asterisk Tips

Once you lot've searched for different variations of the keyword, you tin compile a list of the most common or popular searches.

For this example, the most popular searches seem to be:

  • How to make pancakes.
  • How to make fluffy pancakes.
  • How to make banana pancakes.

From this search we've learned 3 things: people desire pancakes, they desire them fluffy, and they want them healthy. (Where do I sign upward?)

So, yous tin can use descriptive words like fluffy, and the searcher's query: how to make pancakes for your tags, title, and description.

There are several tools you can use to come across what keywords your potential viewer is going to search like:

  • YouTube search bar.
  • Google search bar (to appear on Google's video carousel).
  • Google Trends.
  • Keywords Everywhere.

By using these tools you tin better empathise what people are searching for and the demand for that keyword. This will assistance you make up one's mind which keywords to use for your videos.

To learn more on how to conduct keyword inquiry and brand your YouTube videos SEO-ready, cheque out our guide below:

Footstep 5: Become Your Equipment

At present that you have a program in place, it'south time to run across what tools and equipment you lot need to bring your vision to life.

Different types of video content call for different types of equipment. For example, a parody music video has different needs than a fashion vlog.

Before we tin talk about buying equipment we need to figure out your budget. Now, chances are you fall into 1of these 2 categories:

  1. The Bootstrappers: you take a limited-to-no budget and want to spend as little money as possible (preferably none) making videos.
  2. The "I've Got Some Cash To Splash"-ers: you lot have some coin to spend on equipment and tend not to mind investing some of information technology in a new camera or lights.

The good news is, regardless of which category you fall nether, y'all can still create high-quality videos.

Here are the essential gear you'll demand to create your YouTube videos:

  • Camera : anything from a fancy DSLR down to your iPhone/Android photographic camera tin get the job done. You can likewise utilise high quality webcams if y'all're alive streaming.
  • Microphone: preferably external (because quality matters, ya know?).
  • Lighting: natural or artificial, as long as they're bright enough.
  • Tripod: used to stabilize your camera or phone because even small shakes can be visible in a video.
  • Storage: memory cards (or enough space on your telephone).
  • Video editing software: if you have Apple tree products similar an iPhone or a Mac you lot can apply iMovie, or check out this extensive list of video editing tools y'all can use.

We live in an historic period where you lot tin can take professional person-style pictures and videos with your phone. Then, it'southward all-time to chief the gear you do have and upgrade as you go.

Once you've got your filming equipment, it's time to put it all together…

Step 6: Set The Stage

When you make a YouTube video, yous need to fix your filming location to be camera-ready.

If y'all're recording a fitness video, this could simply mean choosing the spot in the house with the all-time lighting and creating a background to become behind you.

A great example of this is Adriene Mishler from Yoga With Adrienne. Her videos all contain a "branded" background that fits her personality.

This may change every bit she uploads new series of videos, but she keeps the same background for a long menstruum:

Yoga With Adrienne Branded Background

This helps to keep attending on the speaker and not on their background. Find how her yoga studio is not distracting but instead adds atmosphere to the video.

If y'all're recording a video that's less flexible and needs to be done in a fixed identify – like a cooking tutorial – y'all'll need to gear up the area as best you tin can.

And so when you're placing the camera you might need to consider:

  • Having to decide what needs to be in your video'due south background.
  • Where the lighting will exist then you, and what you're filming, appear conspicuously.
  • Having a expert bending where you can look engaging (i.e. facing the camera as opposed to away from the camera).

To stick with the cooking example, YouTube'due south Sam The Cooking Guy uses a top-down shot to capture the absolute essentials for the videos, while his son holds a second photographic camera to capture the chef, background, and ingredients he plans to utilise during the video!

Click here to watch the video ->

If you're trying to go on it as simple as possible, just remember to keep clutter out of the shot and permit the subject area of your video to accept eye stage.

At present that your surround is gear up up, it's time to get the star of your video fix…

Stride 7: Fix Yourself To Be On Camera

Being on camera can be scary.

If you're annihilation like me, you immediately beginning sweating, your throat gets dry, and you develop a stutter that you lot've never had before in your entire life.

The good news is in that location are means to make beingness on camera more pleasant and enjoyable for yourself and your viewers.

My best advice is to treat information technology as a chat with the camera.

Think of the photographic camera equally one person from your target audience and talk directly to them. You're not presenting or putting on a prove; you're only having a conversation with someone.

So, do the same things you'd practise in any conversation!

Wait at them direct, be energetic, smile, and stick to the topic. If you want a niggling more than communication on this I recommend you cheque out our vii expert tips for being comfortable and confident on camera.

Or, check out this video below:

Click hither to watch the video ->

Once y'all feel prepare, information technology's showtime!

Stride 8: It's Fourth dimension To Striking Tape

If you lot've followed the steps so far, it'south time to turn your camera on and hit tape. Feels good, right?

Regardless of the type of video content y'all're recording, there are a few things for you to proceed in mind.

First and foremost, keep the camera rolling.

If yous misspeak or make piffling mistakes…

 …don't stress out and restart everything. Only take a breath, and keep going (starting presently before the error) without turning the camera off.

This makes the entire process much less stressful and you tin fix everything else in editing!

Secondly, embrace what you know.

Trust that you know your topic and get creative with it.

Being new to creating a video can actually give you a huge advantage, you'll have a different perspective and volition more probable create original content.

The final, and most important thing, is to have fun.

I know this sounds corny, but making a YouTube video is supposed to be fun.

That's why the platform got then pop in the first place!

People were able to flex their creative muscles, upload videos (sometimes go viral), and eventually they turned into video creators. (Without fifty-fifty having a fancy cinematography caste).

So, bask the learning procedure. Making groovy YouTube videos should excite yous and entice you to brand more videos.

Footstep 9: Edit Your Work

When y'all've recorded your video, it'due south time to edit it!

This is where you tin can clean upward whatever mistakes you've fabricated while recording and make your video YouTube-set up.

Remember, if you get to this part of the procedure and realize there's something missing or something tin can be done differently, that'south okay.

Reshoots are function of the concern…

…it may exist a fleck frustrating only it's better to go back and practise it correct than to just be okay with mediocrity.

In the editing procedure you're looking to:

  • Organize clips in the right order.
  • Add voice over if necessary and synchronize information technology with the video.
  • Remove unnecessary footage or bloopers or weird pauses.
  • Add together intros and/or outros, use them strategically equally these tin can dip viewer retention.
  • Add together cuts and  transitions (i.e. strategically placed B-whorl, GIFs, graphics, screenshots, audio snippets).
  • Adjust the color of your footage with colograding.
  • Utilise text on screen to help your viewers to retain more information.

Doing these things volition add and so much value to your YouTube video, and they pretty much work for any kind of video you want to brand.

Information technology'southward likewise worth getting feedback on your edit from trusted friends or advisors. Sometimes when you stare at things for likewise long, you lot become some kind of cabin fever.

It'll be well worth your time to literally pace abroad from your masterpiece and get a fresh pair of optics looking at it.

At present, editing software may be the about important equipment investment you make. It has the power to supercharge what you've created for YouTube and turn information technology into a high-quality appointment magnet.

If you're on the prowl for great video editing software check out our guide beneath:

When you upload a new video on your YouTube channel, consider repurposing that video for your social media platforms.

This is a bully way to get more people to watch your video.

Here'southward how you can practise this:

  1. Pick your social media platform: from your research on your video topic in Step ane, take annotation of where else your competitors are posting content, make sure you're on the same platforms they're on. If they're on a lot of unlike platforms, using Facebook or Instagram are safe bets.
  1. Perform social media competitor assay: after you've found your topic competitors on social media, expect at what types of content they're sharing, the times they mail service, and their engagement rate. This will give you a good thought of when your audience is probable active and the type of content they want to interact with.
  1. Expect for repurposing opportunities: see what's valuable, practical, or shareable from your YouTube video, and wait at different means you can present them. You can nowadays the same idea in multiple means similar text-based posts, video snippets, infographics, and more.

Your goal here is to get people so excited about your content that they want to sentinel the full video.

Wrapping It Up…

That's information technology guys! By now, you should be well equipped to make your own video for YouTube.

To recap…

These are the 10 steps you demand to follow to make a YouTube video:

  1. Research Your Topic

    The first thing you need to do when yous take a YouTube video topic is research it. Watch all the videos being fabricated on that topic and like topics. Answering these questions will aid yous see what your video should expect similar. You want to learn from your competitors, accept what works well, and improve on the existing videos in your topic.

  2. Programme Your Video Content

    Identify what you'd like to achieve with your video before you first creating because this will inform how you'll deliver it and what type of video you'll create. Then create a storyboard to run into what y'all'll demand to do and set to bring your video to life.

  3. Create Tricky Titles and Custom Thumbnails

    Your video titles and thumbnails are the showtime point of contact with your audition. They need to be engaging and entice people to click on your video.

  4. Optimize Video For Search Engines

    Use relevant keywords for your video title, tag, description and custom thumbnail (if needed).

  5. Go Your Equipment

    You lot'll need a photographic camera, external microphone, good lighting, a tripod, storage, and a video editing software. Primary the gear you exercise accept and upgrade equally y'all go.

  6. Prepare The Stage

    Prepare your filming location to be camera set, with minimal visual distractions.

  7. Ready Yourself To Be On Camera

    To assist yourself relax on camera, care for the filming process every bit a chat.

  8. Hit Record

    Kickoff recording your content, keep the camera rolling, and edit out any mistakes in the next pace.

  9. Edit Your Work

    Use a video editing software to put the footage together, create strategic transitions, remove any bloopers, and synchronize any audio.

  10. Repurpose Your Video For Social Media

    When you lot upload a new video on your YouTube channel, consider repurposing that video on your social media platforms. This is a great way to go more than people to watch your YouTube video.

Past following this step-by-step guide, you'll exist able to create engaging videos that tin achieve your audience.

Now, if y'all want an easy way to move those videos over to an contained VOD platform and calibration up your monetization success, then reach out to u.s.a..


What supplies do you demand to make a YouTube video?

These are the essential equipment y'all'll demand to create your YouTube videos:

Camera: anything from a fancy DSLR down to your iPhone/Android camera can get the task done. You lot can also use high quality webcams if you're live streaming.
Microphone: preferably external (because quality matters, ya know?).
Lighting: natural or artificial, equally long every bit they're bright plenty.
Tripod: used to stabilize your camera or telephone because fifty-fifty small shakes can be visible in a video.
Storage: retention cards (or enough infinite on your telephone).
Video editing software: if you lot accept Apple products like an iPhone or a Mac yous can use iMovie. Here'due south an extensive listing of video editing tools you can apply.


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